lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Vested Interest, Tobacco Advertisments

We read material with information about tobacco and their vested interests, we analyze them and answer some questions. Then we search for cigarette advertisements analyze them in relation with their vested interest.
1-  Advertising helps the tobacco because it can disguise a harmful product and alter the evidence so as to  make it seem as something that we need, something essential and beneficial in a certain way.

2-  Cigarettes companies have a vested interest in the profit they gain from the sales of tobacco. Therefore cigarette advertising tend to have distorted the truth, for example regarding the side effects tobacco causes in our health. this is due to the fact that they hide the evidence showing the bad aspects of tobacco effect on us and yet assuring their business.

Tobacco industries have a vested interest in gaining the profit of tobacco sales, so that's why they tend to lie or distort the evidence. In this case they are assuring to the people that this new kind of cigarette has a filter which makes it healthier, and so as to justify their product they say that it is recommended by Dentists, as dentists are professionals, we tend ti believe in their word since they know more than we do in this aspect, and so we will be influenced in believing them and buying their product.             

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Vested Interest: Mad Men

We watched a video about part of the episode of Mad Men "Smoking Pitch" in which they are promoting, creating advertising on cigarettes. 
In this episode the business man are debating on advertising ideas so as to rise cigar's sales at the time when it was being judged to be the a lung cancer causing.
Along the episode we can identify some vested interests; the organization has something to gain from promoting and defending a particular point of view, which lead them to lie, select certain evidence and ignore other as well as distorting the evidence so as to benefit themselves.
In the case of the video the cigar company is hiding  the evidence which proves that their cigar affects the health of the people.
There are two ideas for advertising presented. The first one, Peter's idea, suggested to create advertising which confirms that their cigars cause cancer but in a way in which it sounded less harmful, he argued to compare with cars, which are dangerous as well as cigars but that can do nothing and people still buy them. However the other business man disapproved the idea since it showed the truth.
On the other hand there was Don's idea which was approved. He suggests a campaign which says "Luky strike, it's toasted". He argued that the other six Tobacco companies produce the same product they do, however by saying that it is toasted, and hiding the truth (that it is unhealthy) they make the people believe that their Tobacco is healthy and the others are the ones which are bad for us, at least it's healthier. Here don is having a vested interest which leaded him to alter the evidences and hide the truth. However this does not means that Peter didn't have, the difference is in the fact that he neither hide the evidences nor lie.  

martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Presentación del NOA

En grupos realizamos presentaciones sobre las ecoregiones de Argentina. A continuación les dejo la presentación sobre el Noroeste Argention (NOA).



Pour 24 persones
1kg de farine                4 cuillères de sucre            
6 oeufs                         2 pincées de sel                 
2l lait                                                                        

GRANITURE (quantitè au goût)
Confiture du lait             Caramel

Crème chantilli               Almonds

  1. Mettre la farine, le sucre et les oeufs dans un saladier.
  2. Progressivement ajouter le lait et battre.
  3. Mettre deux pincées de sel.
  4. Melanger jusqu´à obteuir une pâte sans groumeaux.
  5. Laisser reposer la pâte à crêpe.
  6. Prendre une poêle et la mettre au feu.
  7. Verser un demi-louche de votre pâte dans la poêle.
  8. Faire cuire 1-2 minutes par face.

  • Vous pouvez manger les crêpes avec quelque graniture.

  • TIP!

Laisser reposser la pâte tout le soir pour un mellieur preparation.

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015