miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

Repot- Sport Facilities-

                                                             NEWLANDS SPORT FIELD

                                           REPORT ON NEWLANDS SPORT FIELD FACILITIES.
               The propose of this report is to talk about the Newlands spot field. In the current text I consider the current facilities and the disadvantages of Newlands sport field and analyze how to solve it and think of future facilities. In order to carry out this report I interview some Newlands students from 2nd green who talked to me about the place.

Current Facilities:
                  In the meeting with the people I told you, we discuss on the current facilities of the field. We agree on that it have 4 toilets, the sport field it is big, there are places to drink water. And considering sport we conclude that we have:

-The field is prepared for kids to.

 -For Rugby:
*2 big courts.
*Rugby balls.

-For Hockey:
*2 big courts and 1 small.
* Hockey sticks and balls.

-For Athleticism:
*Lot of equipment.

                Later on we started discussing the problems we could found there. This points of view made us think a lot, because as you have already read, there are lots of good points. So we conclude that:
* There is no kiosk.
*If it rains we can not go there.
*Some equipment is old.
*we need more toilets because we are many students.

Conclusion and recommendation:
                                           Our last topic of our meeting was to analyze the problems we agreed on and discuss what we could do to solve it. Taking into account in the student ideas we conclude that the field it is in good condition but maybe they need to change some thing like: Maybe they need to collect money so as to buy new equipment; Found a place were they could go if it rains or build a covered area.
Well this were our ideas and our conclusion about it.

viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Diary Entry- Sujata Bhatt-

11th June 1944

Dear Diary,
          Today was a strange day! I woke up as usual, and when i went to my kitchen to have breakfast, before going to school, my mother was there, a little bit nervous I can say. I didn't ask her anything, I thought she was like this because it was early in the morning, she's always like this! : ).
           I was about to go to school when my mother told me she would take  me. I got angry because I like going to school with my friends. I was about to ahout at her, when I realised that something was wrong. In the way to school I saw plenty of strange men, they were equiped with guns, they wore different  clothes, they were carrying not an Indian flag and they talked in a strange language, I just undestood "uhcadcghjgsd"! jajajjaja. It was so funny to hear them!
           In the school everybody was talking about it! It was the THEME OF THE DAY AT SCHOOL! Every kid found it as a "joke" because we thought it wasn't a seriuos thing. Our teachers told us that the British's  were ATTACKING INDIA! and they were trying to colonize India, yes C-O-L-O-N-I-Z-E it. After it, I came down to earth, I mean I  understood why my mom was like that.
           When I came back to my home my parents explained to me everything. Fortunately nothing happened to my family today!

                                                                             Hope to write to you tomorrow.
                                               (I would not write to you if something happens to me)

                                                                                 Sujata Bhatt!

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

Todos los Soles Mienten

La novela "Todos los soles mienten" relata una visión al futuro en la que el sol se está apagando y la gente se está muriendo. En estos tiempos un grupo de amigos adolescentes encuentra una cueva en la que dentro de ella hay una piedra que irradia calor, es por eso que deciden que dos chicas y dos chicos se encerraran dentro de ella para no se termine la raza humana, ya que cuando el sol se prenda de vuelta ellos van a salir de allí. No todo es tan fácil ya que en las ciudades las ratas se propagan y los chicos entre 14 y 18, pero luego con el aumento de las ratas se añaden chicos entre 15 y 20, deben salir a cazarlas. A lo largo de la novela los chicos intentaran descubrir cual es la causa de esto (la cual no se imaginarán) que provoca que algunos mueran. Podrán salvarse?

A mí esta novela me encanto y me pareció muy interesante ya que trata sobre chicos adolescentes como yo, me gusto esto debido a que los sentimientos, decisiones,ideas o pensamientos son muy similares a los míos. y que también habla sobre un futuro al que nadie se imagina, ya que todo el mundo habla del "CALENTAMIENTO GLOBAL" acá se habla sobre el "ENFRIAMIENTO GLOBAL" Durante toda la novela, cada cosa que leía, me hacia pensar en un final, pero al terminar de leerla todo fue completamente distinto. Cuando lo terminé no podía creerlo!
Durante toda la novela se podría decir que estuve como preocupada o triste, ya que a mí personalmente odio escuchar de que el mundo se vaya a acabar,y a la misma vez muy entretenida.